Staff Profile
Learn about the Staff Profile Information, Actions and Visit History
District Admins, Building Admins and Staff Users can interact with the Staff Profile to view the needed information for both staff members and substitutes. They can also perform needed actions, such check the staff member or substitute in and out of the building, resend the mobile app invitation and deactivate the staff member or substitute's account. To access the Staff Profile, follow the below steps:
- Log into Visitor Management as a District Admin, Building Admin or Staff User
- Navigate the Staff Page by clicking the briefcase icon on the side navigation menu
- Search for and select the needed Staff Member or Substitute name
Staff Profile
Staff Information
Users will see the below information on the top of the Staff Profile:
Staff Name
- Captured by the SIS sync or when staff member was manually added.
- If the staff member was manually added:
- Users can update the name by clicking on the pencil icon.
- Captured by the SIS sync or when staff member was manually added.
- If the staff member was manually added:
- Users can update the email by clicking on the pencil icon.
Staff Type
- Captured by the SIS sync or when staff member was manually added.
Job Title
- Captured by the SIS sync or when staff member was manually added.
- Users can also manually update the Job Title by clicking on the pencil icon.
Staff ID
- Captured by the SIS sync
- Added as a part of the Staff Barcode/RFID Import process.
- Users can also manually add a Barcode/RFID number for the staff member by clicking on the pencil icon.
Home Building
- Captured by the SIS sync or when staff member was manually added.
- Users can manually add an associated student by clicking on the +Add Student button.
Users will see the below information on the top of the Staff Profile for Substitutes:
Substitute Name
- Captured when substitute was manually added
- Users can also manually update the name by clicking on the pencil icon.
Substitution Time Period
- If a substitute has an active or upcoming substitution time period, the start date and end date will display next to the substitute's name.
- Captured when substitute was manually added
- Users can also manually update the email by clicking on the pencil icon.
Staff Type
- Set as Substitute when substitute was manually added
Job Title
- Not applicable for Substitutes
Staff ID
- Not applicable for Substitutes
- Added as a part of the Staff Barcode/RFID Import process.
- Users can also manually add a Barcode/RFID number for the substitute by clicking on the pencil icon.
Home Building
- Captured when substitute was manually added
- Users can also manually update the Home Building by clicking on the pencil icon.
- Users can manually add an associated student by clicking on the +Add Student button.
Staff/Substitute Traveler Functionality
If the Staff/Substitute Traveler functionality is enabled by an admin, users will see a Traveler Toggle added to Staff/Substitute Profiles.
All Staff/Substitutes - Enabled
Users will see the Traveler Toggle is enabled by default, with the following message: This Setting is restricted by your Admin.
Individual Staff/Substitutes - Enabled
Users will see the Traveler Toggle can be enabled or disabled, as needed, with the following message: Set this option if this individual frequently travels to other buildings for their job. This option allows for Visitor Management to track the buildings visited.
Click here to learn more about how staff/substitutes use the traveler functionality as a part of the Self-Serve kiosk check-out process.
Profile Actions
Users will be able to perform the below actions directly from the Staff Profile:
- User is able to check in the staff member by clicking the Check-in button.
- If the staff member is already checked in, Check-out will display.
- User can check the staff member out for the day.
Resend Invite
- User can click the ellipsis on the Staff Profile and click Resend Invite for the mobile app invite to be resent automatically. The staff member will receive an email to set up their mobile app account.
Deactivate Staff
- User can click the ellipsis on the Staff Profile and select Deactivate Staff. User will see a message that states that access for the staff member will be revoked and their profile will become unsearchable via Self-Serve for all buildings they currently have access to. To confirm, user can click the Deactivate Staff button.
- Note: Staff members that are currently visiting the building cannot be deactivated.
- User can click the ellipsis on the Staff Profile and select Deactivate Staff. User will see a message that states that access for the staff member will be revoked and their profile will become unsearchable via Self-Serve for all buildings they currently have access to. To confirm, user can click the Deactivate Staff button.
Activate Staff
- If a staff member is deactivated, the user can click the Activate Staff option. User will see a message that access for the staff member will be reactivated and their profile will be searchable via Self-Serve for all buildings they had access to.
- To confirm, user can click the Activate Staff button.
- User is able to check in the substitute with the below steps:
- Upon clicking of the Check-in button for a Substitute, user will see the Substitute Check-in modal
- Start date is defaulted to current date and cannot be modified
- Set the End Date for the Substitution Period
- Select the Teacher Being Substituted
- To check the substitute in, user can click the Confirm button.
- User is able to check in the substitute with the below steps:
- If the substitute is already checked in, Check-out will display.
- User can check the substitute out for the day.
Resend Invite
- User can click the ellipsis on the Staff Profile and click Resend Invite for the mobile app invite to be resent automatically. The substitute will receive an email to set up their mobile app account.
Deactivate Staff
- User can click the ellipsis on the Staff Profile and select Deactivate Staff. User will see a message that states that access for the staff member will be revoked and their profile will become unsearchable via Self-Serve for all buildings they currently have access to. To confirm, user can click the Deactivate Staff button.
- Note: Substitutes that are currently visiting the building cannot be deactivated.
- User can click the ellipsis on the Staff Profile and select Deactivate Staff. User will see a message that states that access for the staff member will be revoked and their profile will become unsearchable via Self-Serve for all buildings they currently have access to. To confirm, user can click the Deactivate Staff button.
Activate Staff
- If a substitute is deactivated, the user can click the Activate Staff option. User will see a message that access for the staff member will be reactivated and their profile will be searchable via Self-Serve for all buildings they had access to. To confirm, user can click the Activate Staff button.
Visit History
Users will be able to view the below information for a staff member directly from the Staff Profile:
Visit History
- Date
- Check-in Time
- Check-out Time
- Building
- Actions
- Users will be able to edit or delete a Visit by clicking on the ellipsis on the needed row and click either Edit Visit or Delete Visit.
- Edit Visit - The Check-in Time, Check-out Time can be edited by the user, they can then click the Save Changes button.
- Delete Visit - The user will be asked to confirm the deletion before the event is deleted.
- Users will be able to edit or delete a Visit by clicking on the ellipsis on the needed row and click either Edit Visit or Delete Visit.
Users will be able to view the below information for a substitute directly from the Staff Profile:
Visit History
- Date
- Check-in Time
- Check-out Time
- Building
- Actions
- Users will be able to edit or delete a Visit by clicking on the ellipsis on the needed row and click either Edit Visit or Delete Visit.
- Edit Visit - The Check-in Time, Check-out Time and Teacher Being Substituted can be edited by the user, they can then click the Save Changes button.
- Delete Visit - The user will be asked to confirm the deletion before the event is deleted.
- Users will be able to edit or delete a Visit by clicking on the ellipsis on the needed row and click either Edit Visit or Delete Visit.
Staff/Substitute Traveler Functionality
If the Staff/Substitute Traveler functionality is enabled by an admin, users will see a Travel Reason column added to the Visit History table for staff/substitutes that are marked as Travelers. This column will display the Travel Reason that was selected while checking out on a Self-Serve kiosk. For staff/substitutes who select Traveling to Another Building, users will be able to hover over the reason to view the building that was selected.
Click here to learn more about how staff/substitutes use the traveler functionality as a part of the Self-Serve kiosk check-out process.