Emergency Management Solution Module Overview
Gain an overview of Navigate360's Emergency Management, including how each feature can be used.
Safety Plans
The Safety Plans feature provides a solution for creating and managing an emergency operations plan (EOP) based off the state-specific template. Safety Plans can be updated either in a word processor format using the Safety Plan Text Editor or by using the Safety Plan Variable Field section which allows commonly used words and phrases like school name to be filled in once and applied where used throughout the plan. Safety plans can be easily copied and updated from year to year, and exported to PDF.
The Drills feature provides a solution for organizing and tracking drills for district safety and state compliance. Administrators can view pre—populated state drill requirements and manage district requirements accordingly.
Drills can be scheduled as the school year begins, and logged as the school year progresses. Reminders can also be set up to ensure everyone is notified of an upcoming drill.
Administrators can also export drill reporting to assist with compliance and regulation of all required drills.
The Assess feature assists schools with creating and executing assessment forms that might normally be managed from paper and pencil. Forms can be stored and saved in a secure cloud-based format and can be exported to PDF to satisfy state and district compliance.
Binders & Documents
The Binders feature provides a virtual and reliable solution for aggregating and dispersing information like maps, safety plans, call lists, site plans, and any other documents that need to be referenced by staff. As any of these items get updated, they will update automatically in the binder as well.
The Documents feature allows users to upload any type of electronic files, including .doc, .pdf, .xls, .ppt, .jpg and more. Typical documents include anything related to emergency planning, preparedness, procedures or response. These documents can be included in binders.
Call Lists
The Call lists feature allows users to compile emergency contacts such as administration teams, first responders, utility companies, hospitals, and so on. Users can create as many different call lists as needed. Both external and existing contacts within the Emergency Management product can be added to a call list.
The Flipcharts feature allows for aggregating of information that can be used on the fly or during an emergency. Flipcharts are optimized for mobile device viewing and can include important emergency information, procedures, checklists, or any other information that may require on-the-go access. Flipcharts can be linked to custom alarm types to allow for a more seamless and informative experience when coordinating during an active alarm.
Maps include a building’s floor plan as well as pertinent information that staff and first responders may need to leverage during an emergency. A map image can be uploaded and views of room layouts, exit and window placements, and other critical life-saving information can be added over the map image to allow an inside look of your building.
Rapid Alarm
The Rapid Alarm feature (previously Respond) enables administrators to configure emergency response protocols using the alarm type dashboard and by creating custom alarm types. School staff and administrators can view alarm information within Rapid Alarm, and can navigate easily in and out of Roll Call and/or Reunification from each active alarm.
During an active alarm where Roll Call is activated, data from your district’s Student Information System is displayed to assist users while accounting by class rosters, students, staff and visitors*.
When Reunification is activated, students and guardians can be checked in and verified against the district’s Student Information System data to ensure a safe reunification process.
All information and real-time statistics for both Roll Call & Reunification get relayed back to administrators via the active alarm details within Rapid Alarm.
Rapid Alarm also includes a messaging feature that allows staff and administrators to communicate and relay information on the situation at hand.
*Visitor information is available only if Navigate360’s Visitor Management is also adopted.
User Management
The User Management section allows for viewing and managing of any user who has been either been synced in through the Student Information System, or has been added manually as a user for the district’s Emergency Management site.
With User Management, administrators can manage user settings including resetting a password, assigning permissions, managing site/building associations, and exporting user information. Additionally, administrators can add and invite the primary contact for first responder agencies to access their district’s Emergency Management.
Site Information
Site Information enables district administrators to view and manage important demographic information for the district and buildings that will be used throughout other features such as Maps. Site Information also allows administrators to identify and assign key people for each building/site.
Mobile App
The Emergency Management mobile app allows all users to activate and participate in drill, training and/or emergency alarms for their respective buildings. The mobile app is equipped to send push notifications that can bypass silent or do not disturb mode, ensuring everyone gets notified of an emergency. The mobile app can also be used to communicate and account for people during an emergency as well as reunify students with their guardians after an emergency/evacuation has occurred.