Using Navigate360’s Emergency Management First Responder Portal
Learn how first responders can log in to Emergency Management and view important drill & safety details for the districts and schools that have added them to their account.
Districts can grant First Responder agencies access to view their emergency drill information as well as content like maps or emergency/drill alarm details while responding to an emergency.
Click here for more information on how district's can add First Responder agencies to their district site(s)
Video Tutorial - Using the First Responder Portal
Learn how to use the First Responder portal to access District emergency resources and drill information.
Logging in to Navigate360’s Emergency Management for the first time
Once an agency and primary first responder contact is added by the school admin, the primary first responder contact will receive a welcome email (example below) with a link to create a password to log in to Emergency Management. Once they log in, they will access the first responder portal, which will allow them to add/manage additional first responder contacts from their agency and access important safety updates and information like drills and maps for each school or district that has given them access.
Using welcome email and setting a password to log in to the EM first responder portal:
- Look for a welcome email from “” and click Set Password

- Next, update your password
- Be sure to include 8 total characters with at least 1 number and 1 special characters

- Once your password is set, bookmark as your first responder portal link
- This link can be accessed from any web/desktop browser application
Please note your login cannot currently be used on the mobile app
- First Responders may wish to add the link to the home screen of their device.
- From the portal, you will have access to do the following:
- Add additional first responder contacts from your agency
- View drill information for a specific site/building
- Access a specific site/building’s EM account to be able to view content like maps or emergency/drill alarm details while responding to an emergency
- During an active alarm, First Responders can view alarm details and view live chat messages
Adding additional contacts to your agency’s first responder portal:
- Log in to your portal and navigate to User Management using the 3 dot action menu near the bottom left corner

- Click + Add new user from the top right corner

- Next, enter the information of the first responder you wish to add:
- Name (First, Last)
- Mobile Phone
- Work Phone + Ext
- Home Phone
- Password (Optional)
- Click Add

- This contact will now be displayed in the users table and will be sent a welcome email from “” for them to complete setting up their portal access
Editing/managing first responder contacts within your agency’s first responder portal:
Any first responder with access to their agency’s portal can edit another first responder’s contact (including the primary) within their agency. This can be used to allow the team to edit contact details or enable/disable as the team members change over time.
- Log in to your portal and navigate to User Management using the 3 dot action menu near the bottom left corner

- Find the contact you wish to edit and click on the 3 dot menu to the right

- Click Edit to update any of the following fields, then click Update:
- Name (First, Last)
- Mobile Phone
- Work Phone + Ext
- Home Phone
- Password (Optional)

- Click Disable or Enable to update the contact’s access
- When Disabled, a contact does not have access to the portal and any districts/buildings that have added this agency. (If a contact is Disabled, the option to Enable will show in the list)
- When Enabled, a contact has access to the portal and any districts/buildings that have added this agency. (If a contact is Enabled, the option to Disable will show in the list)

- Any updates made to contacts will be saved accordingly
Using the first responder portal to access a district or building
Any first responder can access their portal and view drill information for any district/site(s) their agency has been added to. First responders can also use their portal to directly access those district/site(s) for the purpose of viewing additional safety information and content when responding to an emergency.
To view drill information for a school site/building:
- Log in to your portal and select the district and site/building from the drop-down lists (Only one site can be viewed at a time)
- Once a site is selected, the drills list for the site/building will automatically populate and display the following information:
- Drill Type (Name of the drill)
- Sub-text will show additional information about the status
- Site (This will match the site selected at the top of the page)
- Scheduled date (Date the drill is targeting to be run)
- Status
- Scheduled – drill is either scheduled for a future date, or was scheduled for a previous date and drill log form has not been completed
- In Progress – drill is either in progress or an admin has opened the drill log form but not yet completed
- Complete – drill log form has been completed
- Drill Type (Name of the drill)

To access a school district’s Emergency Management:
- Log in to your portal and select the district and site/building from the drop-down lists (Only one site can be viewed at a time)

- Next, click Access site to begin viewing the site’s EM account

- This will navigate you directly into the EM account where any critical safety information and emergency content can be accessed, including the drill or emergency alarm details
- At any point, you can return to the portal by clicking First Responder Portal from the top of the page
For district staff looking to manage an alarm, more information is available here