Troubleshooting - Student List Stops Scrolling in App
Learn how to filter and search for students if the student list stops scrolling
When using Roll Call during a Rapid Alarm event, Users can account for students on class rosters or by using the Students list. This is especially useful for administrators or for staff needing to account for students that are not on their roster (students on hall passes, etc.).
Scrolling and Loading
As you scroll the Students list, more students will populate. (This is similar to page by page results loading)
- Depending on the student population, the Students list may not scroll all the way to “Z."
For teachers accounting any student not on their roster, the teacher should search for the student by name (purple box below). Then, the student can be accounted for by clicking the appropriate box.
Similarly, administrators can search for a student to view the current status*. They can also apply a filter for a specific Roll Call Status or by Grade Level.
*Administrators may need to pull down to refresh the current status during the Roll Call.