How to Manually Invite Staff and Substitutes
Learn how to invite staff and substitutes to Visitor Managment.
Invite New Staff Member - Individual
- Log into Visitor Management as a Staff User, District Admin or Building Admin
- Navigate to the Staff page and click on the +Invite Staff →Invite Individual
- Enter the below information:
- First Name
- Last Name
- Barcode/RFID
- Note: This is only needed if the school has Barcode/RFID functionality enabled in the Self-Serve settings page
- Note: This is only needed if the school has Barcode/RFID functionality enabled in the Self-Serve settings page
- Select Type → Staff
- Select from the pre-set list of Job Titles OR type in a custom Job Title
- Select the Home Building
Check-in to home building after inviting
- If the person will NOT be checked when invited, select No (set by default)
- If the person will be checked when invited, select Yes
- Select Send Invitation
Invite New Substitute - Individual
- Log into Visitor Management as a Staff User, District Admin or Building Admin
- Navigate to the Staff page and click on the +Invite Staff →Invite Individual
- Enter the below information:
- First Name
- Last Name
- Barcode/RFID
- Note: This is only needed if the school has Barcode/RFID functionality enabled in the Self-Serve settings page
- Note: This is only needed if the school has Barcode/RFID functionality enabled in the Self-Serve settings page
- Select Type → Substitute
- Select the Home Building
Check-in to home building after inviting
- If the person will NOT be checked when invited, select No (set by default)
- If the person will be checked when invited, select Yes
- If Yes is selected for Check-in to home building after inviting, the Substitution Period needs to be set
- Start date is defaulted to current date and cannot be modified
- Set the End Date
- Select the Teacher Being Substituted for
- Select Send Invitation
Invite New Staff Member/Substitute - Bulk Upload
- Log into Visitor Management as a Staff User, District Admin or Building Admin
- Navigate to the Staff page and click on the +Invite Staff →Invite from Excel
- On the Bulk Invite to Mobile App modal - click Download Template
- Open the Template (Excel)
- Enter the below information for each Staff Member/Substitute:
- First Name
- Last Name
- Staff Type (Staff or Substitute)
- Job Title (Applies to Staff only - Pick from pre-set list or add custom Job Title)
- Home Building (Pick from pre-set list)
- Barcode/RFID
- Note: This is only needed if the school has Barcode/RFID functionality enabled in the Self-Serve settings page
- Save the template in your desired location and close
- On the Bulk Invite to Mobile App modal - click Upload Completed XLSX
- Select the template from the stored location and click Open
- On the Bulk Invite to Mobile App modal - click Save & Invite from List