Webinar: Customizing and Using the Volunteer Management Module
On-Demand Resources to setup and customize your Volunteer Management module.
Navigate360's Volunteer Management solution simplifies the volunteer process with an online portal to collect detailed volunteer profiles, tracks and records volunteer activities and hours, and can alert volunteers directly through their visitor profile.
Audience: District Administrator, Building Administrator, Volunteer Coordinator
Scope of Training: This training session will guide Administrators and Volunteer Coordinators through the process of customizing and managing Navigate360’s Volunteer Management module. Key areas covered included:
- Set Up and Configuration
Audience: District Administrator, Building Administrator, Volunteer Coordinator
Scope of Training: This training session will guide Administrators and Volunteer Coordinators through the process of customizing and managing Navigate360’s Volunteer Management module. Key areas covered included:
- Volunteer Application Management
- Volunteer Check In-Out
- Event Management
- Reporting
- Approved Volunteer Portal
Additional Resources:
Accessing Visitor Management Portal
- Open a web browser (Google Chrome/Edge) on your dedicated Visitor Management Laptop.
- Navigate to www.navigate360vm.com.
- Log In with Visitor Management credentials.
- You will now have access to the Visitor, Student and Faculty check in-out pannels.
VM Expert Tip: Clicking on the Star icon in either Chrome or Edge will allow you to save this bookmark for quicker access.
Editing School Information
How to Add/Edit School Information
- Log into Visitor Management as a District Admin or Building Admin
- Navigate to the Admin Settings by clicking the key icon on the side navigation menu
- Navigate to the School Info tab
- Add or edit the below details:
- School Name
- Phone
- Address
- City
- State
- Zip
- Start Time (Time that the school day in the building starts)
- End Time (Time that the school day in the building ends)
- Timezone
Viewing the Volunteers Page
Volunteers Page
Note: This functionality is only available if the Volunteer Management module was purchased.
District Admins, Building Admins and Staff Users can interact with the Volunteers page to view Approved, Pending, Rejected and Blocklisted Volunteers. To access the Volunteers page, follow the below steps:
- Log into Visitor Management as a District Admin, Building Admin or Staff User
- Navigate to the Volunteers Page by clicking the hands icon on the side navigation menu
- From all tabs, users can:
Add a Volunteer → Add Individual Manually
- Users can manually add a volunteer by entering the needed Personal and Volunteer Information:
- Personal Information
- Identifying Information
- Demographic Information
- Contact Information
- Volunteer Information
- Preferred Volunteer roles
- Preferred School(s) to Volunteer
- Personal Information
- Users can click on Approve and Submit to add the volunteer
- Users can manually add a volunteer by entering the needed Personal and Volunteer Information:
Add a Volunteer → Bulk Import CSV
- On the Bulk Upload modal - click Download Template
- Open the Template (CSV)
- Enter the below information for each Volunteer:
- First Name
- Middle Name
- Last Name
- Date of Birth
- Sex
- Address
- Address Line 2
- City
- State
- Zip Code
- Phone Number
- Save the template in your desired location and close
- On the Bulk Upload modal - click Upload Completed CSV
- Select the template from the stored location and click Open
- On the Bulk Upload modal - click Import & Save
Note: Volunteers that are added manually, either individually or via bulk upload, will not go through a background check process
Add a Volunteer → Add Individual Manually
- By default, users will land on the Approved tab. On this tab, users can:
- Search for Volunteers by name
- Filter displayed Volunteers by Role - by default, All Roles are displayed
- Toggle between a Card view or Table view of Volunteers
- Card View
- Users can check in a volunteer
- Users can click the ellipsis to
- View the Volunteer Profile
- Add the Volunteer to the Blocklist
- Table View
- Users can see:
- Name
- Last Check-in
- Actions - check in a volunteer
- Users can click the ellipsis to
- View the Volunteer Profile
- Add the Volunteer to the Blocklist
- Users can see:
- Users can navigate to the Pending tab. On this tab, users can:
- Search for Volunteers by name
- View the list of Volunteers with pending application status with the below details:
- Name
- Date Submitted
- Criminal History
- Click the ellipsis for any of the listed pending volunteers to:
- View Application
- Approve Application
- Reject Application
- Check at least 2 checkboxes to enable to the Bulk Actions functionality to:
- Approve all selected volunteers
- Reject all selected volunteers
- Export all selected volunteers as an XLXS
- Users can navigate to the Rejected tab. On this tab, users can:
- Search for Volunteers by name
- View the list of Volunteers with pending application status with the below details:
- Name
- Date Submitted
- Rejected by
- Criminal History
- Click the ellipsis for any of the listed rejected volunteers to:
- View Application
- Users can navigate to the Blocklisted tab. On this tab, users can:
- Search for Volunteers by name
- View the list of Volunteers with pending application status with the below details:
- Name
- Blocklisting Date
- Reason
- Criminal History
- Click the ellipsis for any of the listed rejected volunteers to:
- View Application
- Remove from Blocklist
Viewing the Events Page
Events Page
Note: This functionality is only available if the Volunteer Management module was purchased.
District Admins, Building Admins and Staff Users can interact with the Events page to view the Events list, search for Events, Export Events and Create new Events. To access the Events page, follow the below steps:
- Log into Visitor Management as a District Admin, Building Admin or Staff User
- Navigate to the Events page by clicking the calendar icon on the side navigation menu
- By default, users will see the Events List filtered to All Events.
- On this tab, users can:
- Search for an Event
- Filter by the below Event Status:
- All Events (default)
- Published Events
- Drafts
- Past Events
- In Progress
- Export the Events List
- Filter the Events List by Month and Year
- Toggle between a Table view or Calendar view of Events
Event Creation
District Admins, Building Admins and Staff Users can create an event for a school or off-site location:
- To create a new event, users can follow the below steps from the Events page:
- Click + Create Event button
Event Details - Fill out the below information and click Next:
- Event Name
- Date
- Start Time
- End Time
- Event Organizer
- # of Volunteers
- Volunteer Roles Needed (optional)
Location - Fill our the below information and click Next:
- School (optional -when selected, the rest of the address fields will auto-populate)
- Address
- City
- State
- Zip Code
- Building / Room (optional)
- Link to Virtual Event (optional)
- Description - Fill out needed details for the event in the text box and click Next:
Additional Details - Add the below needed details and click Publish Event or Save Draft
- Cover Photo (optional) - User can drag and drop or upload a JPEG or PNG (max 10MB)
- Attachments (optional) - User can drag and drop or upload a DOCX, DOC, PDF, XLXS, JPEG or PNG (max 25MB)
- Publish Event - The event will be published, listed on the Events page. An email will go out to all approved volunteers that meet the criteria regarding the new event.
- Save Draft - The event will be saved, listed on the Events page.
Event Actions
District Admins, Building Admins and Staff Users can perform the below actions on events, dependent on the Event status:
Event Status - Draft
Edit Event
- Make any needed changes to the Event Details
Duplicate Event
- Create a new event with similar details to streamline the event creation
Publish Event
- The event will be published, listed on the Events page. An email will go out to all approved volunteers that meet the criteria regarding the new event.
Delete Event
- The event will be deleted.
Event Status - Published
Invite Volunteers
- Send an email to all volunteers that meet the criteria of the event.
Print Badges
- Print Volunteer badges ahead of time for all registered volunteers.
Register Volunteers
- Select the needed volunteers to register them for the event. An email will go out with a QR for them to scan in the Self-Serve kiosk to check in for the event.
Message All Volunteers
- Send an email with custom text (225 character limit) to all volunteers that meet the criteria of the event.
Edit Event
- Make any needed changes to the Event Details
Unpublish Event
- The event will be reverted back to draft status and an email will go out to any registered volunteers to let them know they have been removed from the event.
Duplicate Event
- The event will be published, listed on the Events page. An email will go out to all approved volunteers that meet the criteria regarding the new event.
Delete Event
- The event will be deleted and an email will go out to any registered volunteers to let them know they have been removed from the event.
Event Status - Past
Message All Volunteers
- Send an email with custom text (225 character limit) to all volunteers that meet the criteria of the event.
Duplicate Event
- The event will be published, listed on the Events page. An email will go out to all approved volunteers that meet the criteria regarding the new event.
Viewing the Volunteer Profile
Volunteer Profile
Note: This functionality is only available if the Volunteer Management module was purchased.
District Admins, Building Admins and Staff Users can interact with the Volunteer Profile to view volunteer information, Visit History, Upcoming Events, Contacts & Demographics and Criminal History. They can also perform needed actions, such as check the volunteer in, send an email, send an SMS message, allow for a password reset to the Volunteer Portal, add any needed attachments and add to a scheduled event. To access the Volunteer Profile, follow the below steps:
- Log into Visitor Management as a District Admin, Building Admin or Staff User
- Navigate to the Volunteers Page by clicking the hand icon on the side navigation menu
- Search for and select the needed Volunteer Name
- Volunteer information can be edited by clicking on the ellipsis on the top of the screen and then Edit Volunteer
- A Volunteer can be blocklisted by clicking on the ellipsis on the top of the screen and then Blocklist
Volunteer Profile
Volunteer Information
Approved Volunteers
If the Volunteer is approved, users will see the below information on the top of the Volunteer Profile:
Volunteer Name
- Captured from the Volunteer Application
Date of Birth
- Captured from the Volunteer Application
- Captured from the Volunteer Application
- Captured from the Volunteer Application
- Captured from the Volunteer Application
- Captured from the Volunteer Application
Date Submitted
- Captured from the Volunteer Application
Hours Served
- Running total of hours served by a volunteer - sum of all visits for Volunteer
Pending and Rejected Volunteers
If the Volunteer is in Pending or Rejected status, users will be able to see the same above information as with Approved Volunteers. Users will also have the ability to Reject or Approve the Application, as needed.
- For Pending Volunteers, this can be done by clicking on either Reject Application or Approve Application.
- For Rejected Volunteers, this can be done by clicking on the ellipsis on the top of the screen and then Approve Application.
Blocklisted Volunteers
If the Volunteer is blocklisted, users will see the below information with a warning message stating the Volunteer is blocklisted, including the reason and the date. Users will also be able to notify the security team directly from the Volunteer Profile, if needed.
Volunteer Name
- Captured from the Volunteer Application
Date of Birth
- Captured from the Volunteer Application
- Captured from the Volunteer Application
- Captured from the Volunteer Application
- Captured from the Volunteer Application
- Captured from the Volunteer Application
Date Submitted
- Captured from the Volunteer Application
Hours Served
- Running total of hours served by a volunteer - sum of all visits for Volunteer
Profile Actions
Approved Volunteers
If the Volunteer is approved, users will be able to perform the below actions directly from the Volunteer Profile:
- User is able to check the volunteer in for an event
Send Email
- 255 character max limit
Send SMS
- 255 character max limit
Reset Password
- Will send a reset password to the Volunteer
- User is able to upload files associated with the Volunteer. Supported formats: docx, doc, pdf, eml, msg, jpeg, txt, rtf, or odt.
Add to Event
- User is able to search for and register the Volunteer for an event. This will send an event registration email to the Volunteer
Pending and Rejected Volunteers
If the Volunteer is in Pending or Rejected status, users will not be able to perform any actions on the Volunteer Profile. Users will have the ability to Reject or Approve the Application, as needed.
- For Pending Volunteers, this can be done by clicking on either Reject Application or Approve Application.
- For Rejected Volunteers, this can be done by clicking on the ellipsis on the top of the screen and then Approve Application.
Blocklisted Volunteers
If the Volunteer is blocklisted, users will be able to perform the the actions:
Send Email
- 255 character max limit
Send SMS
- 255 character max limit
Reset Password
- Will send a reset password to the Volunteer
- User is able to upload files associated with the Volunteer. Supported formats: docx, doc, pdf, eml, msg, jpeg, txt, rtf, or odt.
If the Volunteer is blocklisted, users will be not be able to perform the the actions:
- Blocklisted Volunteers cannot be checked in
Add to Event
- Blocklisted Volunteers cannot be added to an event
Profile Tabs
Approved Volunteers
If the Volunteer is approved, users will be able to view the below information directly from the Volunteer Profile:
Visit History
- Date
- Check-in Time
- Check-out Time
- Event
- Hours Served
- Building
Upcoming Events
- User will be able to view all upcoming events that the Volunteer is registered for
Contact & Demographics
- Contact Info
- Demographic Info
- Both are pulled from the Volunteer Application
Criminal History
- From this tab, if the Volunteer has a criminal history, users can click on the here hyperlink to redirect to the JDP Portal to further review the criminal background check details.
Pending and Rejected Volunteers
If the Volunteer is in Pending or Rejected status, users will not see any of the above listed tabs for Approved Volunteers. Users will have the ability to Reject or Approve the Application, as needed.
- For Pending Volunteers, this can be done by clicking on either Reject Application or Approve Application.
- For Rejected Volunteers, this can be done by clicking on the ellipsis on the top of the screen and then Approve Application.
Blocklisted Volunteers
If the Volunteer is blocklisted, users will be able to see any of the existing data from before the Volunteer was blocklisted:
Visit History
- Date
- Check-in Time
- Check-out Time
- Event
- Hours Served
- Building
Contact & Demographics
- Contact Info
- Demographic Info
- Both are pulled from the Volunteer Application
Criminal History
- From this tab, if the Volunteer has a criminal history, users can click on the here hyperlink to redirect to the JDP Portal to further review the criminal background check details.
If the Volunteer is blocklisted, users not be able to see the data:
Upcoming Events
- Blocklisted Volunteers cannot be added to an event, so will have no Upcoming Events
Self Service Check In / Check Out - Volunteer
Check In
Check-in a Volunteer: Self-Serve
Note: This functionality is only available if the Volunteer Management module was purchased.
Please select from the scanning options below to learn how volunteers can check-in on your Self-Serve Volunteer Management station.
Use QR Code
Volunteer Check-in: Use QR Code
Note: This check-in option requires the Volunteer is approved and has been registered for an event. They are sent an event registration email that contains a QR code for Self-Serve kiosk check-in purposes.
Volunteers will follow the below steps to check in on a Self-Serve station, using the Use QR Code option:
- Volunteer will select the Volunteer button on the Self-Serve landing page, and then select Use QR Code
- Volunteer will be prompted to position their QR Code in front of the camera, so that it is in the center of the viewfinder on screen
- Once the system is finished processing the scan, Volunteers will see the Confirm Your Information page with their details.
- Volunteer will click on Confirm & Continue
- Volunteer will see the Select the event you're here for page and select the relevant event → select Confirm & Continue
- If there is no specific event, select Other from the Event dropdown field
- Volunteer is now checked into the building
Use Email Address
Volunteer Check-in: Email
Volunteers will follow the below steps to check in on a Self-Serve station, using the Use Email Address option:
- Volunteers will select the Volunteer button on the Self-Serve landing page, and then select Use Email Address
- Volunteer will enter the email address used when submitting their Volunteer application
- Once the matching Volunteer details that match the appear, the Volunteer will click Confirm & Continue
- Volunteer will see the Confirm Your Information page with their details matched to the entered email
- Volunteer will click on Confirm & Continue
- Volunteer will see the Select the event you're here for page and select the relevant event → select Confirm & Continue
- If there is no specific event, select Other from the Event dropdown field
- Volunteer is now checked into the building
Check Out
Check-out a Volunteer: Self-Serve
Note: This functionality is only available if the Volunteer Management module was purchased.
Please select from the scanning options below to learn how volunteers can check-out on your Self-Serve Visitor Management station.
Use QR Code
Volunteer Check-out: Use QR Code
Volunteers will follow the below steps to check out on a Self-Serve station, using the Use QR Code option:
- Volunteer will select the Volunteer button on the Self-Serve landing page, and then select Use QR Code
- Volunteer will be prompted to position their QR Code in front of the camera, so that it is in the center of the viewfinder on screen
- Once the system is finished processing the scan, Volunteers will see the Confirm Your Information page with their details.
- Volunteer will click on Confirm & Continue
- Volunteer is now checked out of the building
Email Address
Volunteer Check-out: Email
Volunteers will follow the below steps to check in on a Self-Serve station, using the Use Email Address option:
- Volunteers will select the Volunteer button on the Self-Serve landing page, and then select Use Email Address
- Volunteer will enter the email address used when checking in for the event
- Once the matching Volunteer details that match the appear, the Volunteer will click Confirm & Continue
- Volunteer will see the Confirm Your Information page with their details matched to the entered email
- Volunteer will click on Confirm & Continue
- Volunteer is now checked out of the building
Google Translate
Google Translate is available to assist non-English-speaking students or guardians checking a student out early. To use this feature, students or guardians can click Select Language at the bottom of the Self-Serve main page. Once they choose their preferred language, the page will refresh and they can complete the needed steps to check out early of the building.
Staff Assisted Check In / Check Out - Volunteer
Check In
Check-in a Volunteer - Staff Assisted
Note: This functionality is only available if the Volunteer Management module was purchased.
- Log into Visitor Management as a District Admin, Building Admin or Staff User
- Navigate to the Volunteers Page by clicking the hands icon on the side navigation menu
Volunteer Check-in from Volunteers Page
- Click on Check-in Volunteer on the Volunteer card
- Click on the Preferred Volunteer Role that the Volunteer is checking in as
- Select the Event that the Volunteer is checking in for in the Event dropdown field
- If there is no specific event, select Other from the Event dropdown field
- Click Allow Entry and Print Badge
Volunteer Check-in from Volunteer Profile
- Click on Volunteer Name to navigate to the Volunteer Profile
- Click on Check-in Volunteer
- Click on the Preferred Volunteer Role that the Volunteer is checking in as
- Select the Event that the Volunteer is checking in for in the Event dropdown field
- If there is no specific event, select Other from the Event dropdown field
- Click Allow Entry & Print Badge to finish the check-in process.
- If multiple printers are connected, the user can select another printer from the default set on the Printer Set-up page in the Check-in Badge Printer dropdown. They can also select Do Not Print if a badge does not need to be printed for the volunteer.
Check Out
Check-Out a Volunteer - Staff Assisted
Note: This functionality is only available if the Volunteer Management module was purchased.
- Log into Visitor Management as a District Admin, Building Admin or Staff User
- Navigate to the In Building panel, which is displayed from every page within Visitor Management
- Click on Volunteers tab
- Locate the volunteer to be checked out and click Check-Out Volunteer
- Volunteer is now checked out of the building
Using the Volunteer Portal
Volunteer Portal
Note: This functionality is only available if the Volunteer Management module was purchased.
Volunteers can access the Volunteer Portal to fill out a Volunteer Application and then if approved, they can access the Volunteer Portal to view and register for events. Access is provided to approved and pending Volunteers via the unique URL created and shared by a District Admin.
Become a Volunteer
- Potential Volunteers can start the Volunteer Application by opening the URL provided by the District Admin.
- User will click Become a Volunteer
- Welcome - User will see the Welcome Message and click Continue
- Personal Information - User will fill out the needed Personal Information and click Save and Continue
- Volunteer Information - User can select preferred volunteer role (optional) and select the school(s) where they want to volunteer and click Save and Continue
Verify & Submit - If a background check service was enabled, user will review and certify to the Background Check Consent Statement. User will also review and certify to the Legal Disclaimer statement.
- Note: Navigate360 uses Google reCAPTCHA to protect against spam.
Log in to Volunteer Account
- Once the Volunteer is approved, they will be sent an email with instructions on how to log onto the Volunteer Portal.
- Log into the Volunteer Portal with the email address provided in the Volunteer Application and enter the password created upon account creation.
- Upon logging in, users will land on the Events page, with the ability to navigate to the Notifications page and the Settings page.
- User can see how many volunteer hours are served, along with the year that the user became a volunteer
- User can use the below functionality:
My Upcoming Events
- User can view all upcoming events that that have already been registered for
- User can favorite any upcoming event by clicking on the heart icon displayed with the event
- User can filter by the below values to find a specific event:
- Event Name
- Date (select the needed month)
- Start at or after (select the needed time of day)
- Role (select the roles associated with the event being search for)
- User can toggle on an option to only show events for preferred roles
- User can clear filters, if needed
All Events
- User can view all events to find event(s) to register for
- User can favorite any upcoming event by clicking on the heart icon displayed with the event
- User can filter by the below values to find a specific event:
- Event Name
- Date (select the needed month)
- Start at or after (select the needed time of day)
- Role (select the roles associated with the event being search for)
- User can toggle on an option to only show events for preferred roles
- User can clear filters, if needed
- User can click on any event and click Register to register for an event
- User can view all events that have been set as a favorite
- User can filter by the below values to find a specific event:
- Event Name
- Date (select the needed month)
- Start at or after (select the needed time of day)
- Role (select the roles associated with the event being search for)
- User can toggle on an option to only show events for preferred roles
- User can clear filters, if needed
- User can click on any event and click Register to register for an event
My Past Events
- User can view a list of all past events with the below details:
- Date
- Event
- School
- Check-in Time
- Check-out Time
- Hours Served
- User can download a PDF of the Volunteer Hours Summary
- User can view a list of all past events with the below details:
My Upcoming Events
Users can navigate to the Notifications page to view all notifications.
Please see below for the notification types:
- New Event Added
- Event was updated
- Volunteer invited to an event
- Volunteer Added to an event
- Volunteer Removed from an event
Users can navigate to the Settings page to view or modify the below information:
- Personal Information - User can view or modify the needed Personal Information and click Save Changes
- Volunteer Information - User can view or modify the preferred volunteer role and the school(s) where they want to volunteer and click Save Changes
Email Notifications - User can toggle on or off the below Email notification types:
- Registration Updates (always on)
- Receive notifications for registration confirmations and removals
- Event Changes
- Receive notifications when event details have been changed
- Event Announcements
- Receive notifications for important event announcements
- Event Invitations
- Receive notifications for invitations
- New Event Recommendations
- Receive notifications for suggested events that you might like
- Registration Updates (always on)
- Reset Password - Users can reset the password to the Volunteer portal, when needed