Student Tracking
Learn how to manage Student Late Check-in and Early-Check-out Reasons
District and Building Admins can set up the Tardy Settings, Badge Printing, Student Late Check-in and Early-Check-out Reasons. To access the Student Tracking page and set the needed settings, follow the below steps:
- Log into Visitor Management as a District Admin or Building Admin
- Navigate to the Admin Settings by clicking the key icon on the side navigation menu
- Navigate to the Student Tracking tab
Tardy Settings
- Late Check-in Time - Users can set this time to indicate the time of day that a student is considered Tardy
- Tardy Alert Threshold - Users can set how many tardies a student can have before they meet the threshold
- Click Save Changes
Badge Printing
Users can enable these options to have a student badge print automatically at the Self-Serve kiosk instead of the front office with staff approval for specific grades. Any grade not selected below will continue to have the student badge print at the front office after approval by a staff member.
Tardy Badge (Self-Serve): Toggle this option and select the desired grade levels to allow students to check-in and print their badge on Self-Serve, without Staff approval.
- Students in the selected grade levels will complete their check-in on Self-Serve and collect their badge before entering the building
- Staff will see a Finalize Student Check-in banner at the top of the Staff-Assisted station, allowing them to mark the check-in as Excused or Unexcused after the check-in has been completed
Early Dismissal Badge (Self-Serve): Toggle this option and select the desired grade levels to allow students to check-out and print their badge on Self-Serve, without Staff approval.
- Students in the selected grade levels will complete their check-out on Self-Serve and collect their badge before exiting the building
- Staff will see the Early Dismissal event listed on the Students: Check-in & Check-out History page
Prevent School Overrides
If all schools will have the same Badge Printing settings, then the Prevent School Overrides setting needs to be toggled on. If all schools will not have the same Badge Printing settings, then the Prevent School Overrides setting needs to be toggled off. Toggling this setting off allows Building Admins to set the preferred options for their school for both Badge Printing settings and Reasons.
The Student Late Check-in and Early-Check-out Reasons will show in both the Self-Serve and Staff-Assisted workflow. Please note that if a district uses PowerSchool, those Student Late Check-in and Early-Check-out Reasons are mapped from the PowerSchool. The below steps cover the scenario for districts do not use PowerSchool and those that do use PowerSchool.
Districts that use PowerSchool
- Click the Map Late Check-in and Early Check-out Reasons button
- Click on each Late Check-in and Early Check-out Reason that applies
- Note: These are the PowerSchool Attendance Codes.
- Click Save Mapping
- Users can click the Refresh button to update the Late Check-in and Early Check-out Reasons passed from PowerSchool.
Districts that do not use PowerSchool
Add a Late Check-in or Early Check-out Reason:
- Click on the + Add Custom option to add a new Reason
- District Admin - User can add a custom Reason to display in all buildings in the district
- Building Admin - User can add a custom Reason to display in their building only
- Add the needed Reason and click Add
- Click on the + Add Custom option to add a new Reason
Edit an Existing Late Check-in or Early Check-out Reason:
- Hover over the needed Reason and click on the Pencil icon
- Make the needed edits
- Note: Editing a Reason that has already been used will edit all past events where it was used
- Click Edit to save changes
Delete an Existing Late Check-in or Early Check-out Reason:
- Hover over the needed Reason and click on the Trash icon
- Note: Reasons that have already been used cannot be deleted
- If the Reason not been used previously by any students, the user will be asked to confirm the deletion
- Click Yes to confirm the deletion
- Hover over the needed Reason and click on the Trash icon
Disable an Existing Late Check-in or Early Check-out Reason:
- Uncheck the needed Reason to disable
- If the Reason is already in use, the user will be asked to confirm the disabling and needs to click Continue to complete the disabling
- Uncheck the needed Reason to disable
Enable an Existing Late Check-in or Early Check-out Reason:
- Check the needed Reason to enable
Prevent School Overrides
If all schools will have the same Reasons, then the Prevent School Overrides setting needs to be toggled on. If all schools will not have the same Reasons, then the Prevent School Overrides setting needs to be toggled off. Toggling this setting off allows Building Admins to set the preferred options for their school for both Badge Printing settings and Reasons.