Activity Log
Learn how to access the activity log to review events in chronological order.
Activity Log
- Log into Visitor Management as a District Admin or Building Admin
- Navigate to the Admin Settings by clicking the key icon on the side navigation menu
- Navigate to the Activity Log tab
- Users are able to:
- Review entries in chronological order
- Filter results by date range - by default, all displayed entries are from the current week
- Filter results by keyword or action
- Keyword options include:
- First Name
- Last Name
- Event Action
- Keyword options include:
Event Action captured on the Activity Log:
- User Profile edits
- Security Alerts sent
- User logins
- Individual New Visitor check-ins - Current Date
- Individual Returning Visitor check-ins - Current Date
- Individual Returning Visitor check-ins - Future Date
- Bulk Returning Visitor check-ins - Current Date
- Bulk Returning Visitor check-ins - Future Date
- Individual Visitor check-outs
- Bulk Visitor check-outs
- Staff check-ins
- Edits to Staff check-ins
- Staff check-outs
- Edits to Staff check-ins
- Substitute check-ins
- Edits to Substitute check-ins
- Substitute check-outs
- Edits to Substitute check-ins
- Student late check-ins
- Edits to Student late check-ins
- Student early check-outs
- Edits to Student early check-outs
- Volunteer check-ins
- Volunteer check-outs
- Visitor Profile edits
- Visitor Profile deletes
- Staff Profile edits
- Student Profile edits
- Volunteer Profile edits
- Student Barcode/RFID Mapping
- Staff Barcode/RFID Mapping