Behavior Intervention FAQs: Assignment Types
Learn about different behavior intervention assignment types and how to implement them effectively in this FAQ guide.
There are a few different types of Behavior Intervention (BI) Assignment types: BI Group Assignments, BI Assignments, and BI Whole Group. Each type is found by clicking on “Assignments” from the left-side menu.
BI (Behavior Intervention) Group Assignments
These lessons are assigned to either a grade level or specific class(es) as a Tier I support. An admin user or instructor can view how many students within a group have completed a specific Behavioral Intervention lesson.
Use the column headers to locate the lesson you would like to review or Enter Search Text (i.e. lesson title, assigned by).
Note: Instructors will only see shared classes that are rostered to them.
View article Monitor Assignment Completion for Admins
BI (Behavior Intervention) Assignments
These lessons are assigned to specific student(s) as a Tier I, II, or III support. An admin user or instructor can view individual Behavioral Intervention lessons, including Lesson, Tier, Assigned By, Student, School (if applicable), Grade, Scores, Start date, End date, Complete, Reviewed by.
Use the column headers to locate the lesson you would like to review or Enter Search Text (i.e. student’s name, lesson title).
Note: Instructors will only see students listed if they are in one of their shared class rosters.
View article View Student Responses & Set as Reviewed
BI (Behavior Intervention) Whole Group
These Tier I lessons are created by an admin user or instructor to address the immediate needs of a class to be delivered whole class (i.e. project the lesson on the screen and go through with the class).
Use the column headers to locate the lesson you would like to Resume or Enter Search Text (i.e. lesson title).
BI Whole Group assignments will not populate on student dashboards. The specific admin user/instructor will need to present the information to the class. All students in the class will be marked complete in the gradebook.
View article Create Whole Group Intervention Lessons