Assigning the SSIS Screener
Discover how to assign the SSIS Screener to Students
Learn how to assign the SSIS Screener to students after determining the screener window(s).
🚩NOTE: Access to the SSIS Screener must be purchased separately and in addition to your Compass subscription.
Screener Window
The screener window is typically set by district admin during onboarding or at the start of the year. Changes to the screener window need to be communicated with our internal team.
– For new districts, please reach out to your Educational Support Consultant if you have not already communicated the desired screener start and end dates for fall, winter, and spring.
Completing the SSIS Screener and viewing data:
- Refer to the article How to Complete the SSIS Screener for Students for completion instructions for students.
- Refer to the article Access SSIS Screener Reports for information about accessing and utilizing the SSIS reports and results.
Video Walkthrough (click to expand)
Step 1: Select “Lesson Library” from the left-side menu.

Step 2: Use the search bar to locate the SEH Screener options.

Step 3: Locate the screener you would like to assign: SEH Screener – Fall, SEH Screener – Winter, or SEH Screener – Spring. Then, under Actions select the Assign Lesson icon on the right of the page to open the “Create Assignment” page.

Step 4: On the Create Assignment page, enter an assignment title.
Note: The assignment title must be unique. Consider including unique identifiers such as Fall 2024 or Winter 2025.

Step 5: The Assignment Type will default to Group or Group BI. Select the Start date and End date to choose the date range for the assignment. The start date controls when the assignment first appears on the student dashboard. The Repeat lesson on Fail toggle does not effect the SSIS Screener and can remain on.
Note: This start and end date only controls student access to this assignment, not the start and end date of the screener window. The screener window is set by district admin. Changes to the screener window need to be communicated with our internal team.

Step 6: Select your Assignee(s). District admin can create separate assignments for each campus by selecting “Add Schools” before selecting grades or classes. Select "Add grades" or "Add classes" to choose a group or multiple groups of students. We recommend assigning the SSIS screener by grade level.

Step 7: Use the checkbox to select the assignee(s). Click Add or Confirm after making your selection(s).

Step 8: Review the details of your assignment and click “Save and Assign”.

Step 9: A green banner at the top of the page indicates the assignment has been created.

Verify Assignment Creation and Track Completion
Step 10: Select “Assignments” from the left-side menu, depending on the Compass library purchased select one of the following:
“Group Assignments”
“MH Group Assignments”
“BI Group”

Step 11: If you do not see the screener assignment listed at the top of the assignment list, use the search bar to locate the assignment. Notice that a separate assignment is listed for each grade level or class selected in step 6; this is also shown in the Audience column. The Complete column will show completion percentages of the assignment.
- Refer to the article How to Complete the SSIS Screener for Students for completion instructions for students.
- Refer to the article Access SSIS Screener Reports for information about accessing and utilizing the SSIS reports and results.