Maps Visibility
Discover how maps can be made visible to View Only or Administrator users regardless of primary site.
In Emergency Management, a map is connected to a specific building and visible to any user who has permission to view the maps module at that building.
The Visible to All Sites toggle on a map allows makes it visible to any user who has permission to view the maps module at any building.
District administrators can update any map in their district. Administrators at specific sites can update any map connected to their site.
How to update the Visible to All settings for a map
- Log into Emergency Management
- Navigate to the Maps dashboard
- Next to the specific map, click the 3 dots and then Edit (this will open up the map in a new window/tab)
- Navigate to the Layers icon on the right hand side and Click

- Scroll down to the layer in question and click on the 3 dots that will appear once you hover over that layer (map)
- Choose Edit and then update the Visible to All Sites toggle
- Checked - The layer will be visible regardless of site
- Unchecked - The layer will ONLY be visible to users who are associated to the specific site/building selected on the map
- Click Update to Save