Access the Student Scope & Sequence
Learn how to access the Compass Student Scope and Sequence
Learn how to access the Compass Curriculum Student Scope and Sequence
Compass Curriculum for Students is a comprehensive curriculum for social-emotional learning (SEL) that empowers students to achieve mental well-being and develop important social-emotional skills. With 40 weeks of instruction, Navigate360 offers an extensive Scope and Sequence of SEL lessons covering all five CASEL competencies. Lessons are organized into thematic units with the recommendation of delivering one SEL lesson per week. The Scope and Sequence also serves as a quick reference to find topics and titles efficiently for targeted and individual instruction.
Using the Scope and Sequence with the Preset Curriculum
District or school administrators can assign or customize the Scope and Sequence using the Preset Curriculum for Compass Student. This allows for easy alignment of themes and modules across all grades, ensuring consistency throughout the district or campus.
Accessing and using the Scope and Sequence
Step 1: From the home page, navigate to the right side of the home page and click on “Choose resource” under Download Resources.

Step 2: Click “Download Scope and Sequence” to open the Compass Student Scope and Sequence for grades K-12 in a new tab.

Step 3: Scroll down to the desired grade level(s) to review all 40 weeks of instruction at a quick glance, including 3 SEL Assessments, 7 modules, and themes that are aligned across each grade level. Grade level alignment allows students across all grade levels to complete age-appropriate lessons on the same topic at the same time. This provides consistency in multi-grade classrooms and throughout the district or school.

Step 4: Refer to the module title, CASEL competency, and Theme for a general understanding of the listed lesson for each week. Using the theme and lesson title, Admin and Teachers can quickly identify lessons to target specific skills. Choose lessons to preview and assign by simply copying and pasting the lesson title in the lesson library.
Learn more about assigning from the Lesson Library here