March 2024 Release - Compass
Discover the new integration with PBIS Rewards and a new support tool for students.
March 6, 2024
Compass Settings Menu
District Administrators can now add an in-lesson resource to help students identify resources to help with difficult situations.
Updated Class Dropdown List in Gradebook
When Instructors and Administrators access the Gradebook, the class filter now features a curated drop-down list based on the user's linked classes rather than a text search.
PBIS Rewards Points for Compass Lessons (Clever Only)
Schools using PBIS Rewards and Compass can enable the ability for students to earn points in PBIS Rewards by completing scheduled lessons in Compass. This can be activated by the PBIS Rewards Administrator.
Note: The district must be syncing data through Clever to utilize the new Clever/PBIS Rewards features.
Assign Behavior Intervention Lessons when completing a PBIS Rewards major referral (Clever Only)
Schools using PBIS Rewards-ARS and Compass can assign Behavior Intervention lessons directly from PBIS Rewards when completing a major referral.

Note: The district must be syncing data through Clever to utilize the new Compass/PBIS Rewards features.