Edit Existing Student Assignments
Discover how to edit or adjust assignments you've previously created
You must be an Admin User to edit assignments from the Preset Curriculum.
An Instructor can edit class or individual assignments created by that instructor.
Step 1: Open the “Assignments” drop down on the left side menu. Then, click "Group Assignments".
To edit individually created assignments, select “Individual Assignments” from the Assignments drop-down instead.
Use steps 2-5 to edit the assignment.
Step 2: Locate the assignment using the search bar or filters at the top of each column, if needed.
Step 3: Click the 3 dots under the Actions column on the right side of the Group Assignments page. Then, select Edit.
Step 4: In the pop up, edit the title, date range, repeat lesson on fail option, or make the lessons inactive. Click Update Assignment to save any changes.
Step 5: Close the pop up.