In this article, learn how to implement a Student barcode/RFID, and discover how to add Barcode/RFID to a student profile from your Visitor Management System.
Compatible Hardware:
Note: Select each tab below to see the compatible hardware options.
Student can use their school-issued barcode or RFID on self-serve by utilizing any of the hardware above. This will speed up the process of checking in and out of the building and create a touchless process for Student. Within VMS, each school can upload the barcode or RFID of each Student member in order to use this function.
Student Barcode/RFID import for Students
The Barcode/RFID Setup option is available on the Student page. Any user can download the template. The template will consist of all existing Student for the selected building:
Log into Visitor Management as a Staff User, District Admin or Building Admin
Navigate to the Student page
Click the Barcode/RFID Set Up button
Click Student Barcode/RFID Import
On the Student Barcode/RFID Import modal - click Download this template
Open the template
On the template you will see fields for:
Student First Name
Student Last Name
Student Grade Level
Student ID
Note: These IDs are alpha-numeric and have a 20-character limit, with no duplicates.
Barcode/RFID is the only optional field, all others are required to have information.
The Barcode/RFID field is the only editable column.
Return to the Student Barcode/RFID Import modal and click Upload completed template
Once uploaded, the Barcode/RFID information will be added to the corresponding Student profiles.
Auto Map Student IDs to Barcode/RFID for Students
For schools that use the Student ID for the Barcode/RFID, there is an auto map process available to map Barcode/RFID to Student ID:
Log into Visitor Management as a Staff User, District Admin or Building Admin
Navigate to the Students page
Click the Barcode/RFID Set Up button
Click Auto Map Student IDs to Barcode/RFID
On the Auto Map Student IDs to Barcode/RFID modal - click Auto Map Student IDs
A banner will display while the auto map process takes place
A success message will display when the auto map process is complete
Once complete, all Student IDs will be mapped to the Barcode/RFID field on all corresponding Student profiles
Add/Update Barcode/RFID field on Student Profile:
Log into Visitor Management as a Staff User, District Admin or Building Admin
Navigate to the Student page
Search for the needed Student
On the Student Profile page, add/update the Barcode/RFID field by clicking the (pencil) edit icon
Note: These IDs are alpha-numeric and have a 20-character limit, with no duplicates.